Sci-fi Movies

What are the most popular sci-fi movies of all time? See our Sci-fi movie list

Science fiction movies have always held a fascination for me. Since the early years of cinema, when the first feature length science fiction movie ‘Metropolis’ (1927) amazed audiences with it’s trick photography effects, the science fiction genre has captured people’s imagination with magical visual imagery and unusual subject matter.

Through the 1930s up to the 1950’s, science fiction and fantasy films consisted mainly of low-budget B-movies and many hold more of a curiosity value, with some being so appallingly bad they are actually quite funny, yet at the time the makers and viewers took them quite seriously. There were exceptions however, and although films such as ‘When Worlds Collide’ and ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers’ look quite dated now they are still enjoyable to watch.

One of the best movies of this period (in my opinion) is Forbidden Planet (1956). But it wasn’t until the 1960’s that science fiction films were taken more seriously. The original version of Planet of the Apes, starring Charlton Heston, is still one of my favourite movies of all time, and it wasn’t until after seeing this film that I became totally hooked on the genre.

When Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 movie 2001: A Space Odyssey got released, I was completely blown away by it’s stunning visuals, and indeed it influenced many up and coming film makers. It was from this period onward that science fiction movies were starting to be taken more seriously.

In the late 1970s, after the success of Star Wars, sci-fi blockbusters filled with special effects became more and more popular. This film alone inspired new generations of sci-fi movie fans and paved the way for more big budget sci-fi movies that have continued to be popular up to the present day.

You probably have your own favourites, mine include Blade Runner, Alien, Star Wars, and most recently, Avatar. But I’ve listed most of the popular sci-fi movies here. See if you can spot your favourites.

On the website you can also find detailed information about the plots for each film, plus various trailers and scenes from some of the best ones.

Also included are some independent sci-fi film projects that we thought may be worthy of your attention.

Hope you enjoy your visit.

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Guardians of the Galaxy

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